Is it time for change?

time for a change

Is it time for change?

Naturally do we all know the answer to this question but acting on intuition is more difficult than discovering it? And why is it that although we know something needs changing, we often leave it far too long to act upon or alternatively just don’t do anything at all? Let’s discuss

Let’s be frank, life is complicated. Being an Adult is hard and often not all that to be honest. We’re constantly faced with having to make decisions about how we sustain what we have and seek out opportunities to improve our future, even if only on a mild scale. We, in the UK, live by what can probably be viewed as a regulated and strict regime implemented by our Government which requires us to pay taxes, fees, insurances and tariffs on literally everything.  No matter how hard we try, there is always competition in what we are doing or want to do, that often makes us settle for mediocrity or procrastination. We then deploy a reorganised mindset that makes us feel okay about not acting on something we wanted, or changing something we know isn’t good for us. But why do we do that?

That’s a pretty difficult question to answer, basically because everyone’s answer will be different. Reasoning and justification for what we do are unique and determined by multiple smaller fragments that make up one big decision or choice. But you can bet that what underpins most people’s decision are 2 similar concepts – confidence and motivation.

These 2 psychological hand grenades often hold the key to everything we want to change or become. Because they aren’t visible or tangible no one else can assess our levels of each, accurately. You can produce physical symptoms that allow people to guesstimate pretty well, such as doing nothing quite or lot or producing a tone of voice and vocabulary that can only be received as someone who is low on either motivation and/or confidence. In general though, what’s going on inside you is a secret that only you know the true nature of.

Enter a hybrid. A hybrid of you, confidence and motivation – self-confidence. A two worded hyphenated compound that holds the key to everything. If you think about it, you naturally expose yourself to people with excessive levels of this everyday – all day. The leaders in your workplace or friend cycles. The people you watch on TV or listen to on the radio. The accounts that speak the loudest on your social media timeline. The blogs and vlogs and whatever else you use as part of your daily social intake. All these people have high levels of self-confidence.

To decide on a strategy and implement change, in any environment, takes confidence.

To present or speak publicly takes planning, practice and….confidence, self-confidence.

To put yourself in the public domain and not be afraid to deliver your opinions to the world takes confidence.

To decide that something is not right, and change is needed, determining required action and then acting, takes self-confidence.

I think you get the point.

However, self-confidence is not a static measure. Our confidence to perform roles and tasks and deal with situations can increase and decrease, and some days we feel more confident than others. There’s also a fine balance between being confident and overconfident. But right now, we’re considering confidence as an internal measure. A driver for you to make change. You don’t necessarily need to tell the world or write it in a blog or status. If it helps you then fine, but this is something you need to do and it’s not for anyone else at this moment.

So how do you improve levels of self-confidence? In truth there’s lots of ways. It’s a process far wider than anything this blog can offer. Some of these ways include:

  • Planning and Preparation.
  • Positive Thought.
  • Talking to Others and Following Their Lead
  • Experience
  • Being Assertive
  • Keeping calm
  • Avoiding arrogance

However, there is one we can and will help you with.

In a sea of imperative concepts, it’s difficult to pick a primary catch, but we think this one is a strong contender, which is why we are in the industry we are.

Learning, Knowledge and Training

Acquiring new skills and information is power. Starting and finishing something new brings positive psychology into play from all sorts of angles. Training and new knowledge is growth. Growth in general means progress and when considering growth of a person (internally) we’re referring to a movement in self-development.  In return this leads to greater levels of…. you guessed it.

Is your time for change now? Well let’s get going then.